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Essential Equipment and Facilities Needed for Your Laundry Business


Published : Monday, August 23, 2021

Although every laundry business will have its own specific requirements when it comes to equipment and facilities, there are many essential items that every laundry needs. These include washers, dryers, trolleys, ironers, and numerous other items. To help you equip your laundry business with everything you need to provide your customers with exceptional service, we have put together a list of items needed.

Equipment and Facilities for Your Laundry Business

Here are some of the most important equipment and facilities needed for your laundry business.
  • Washers. Water and chemical costs can be a large contribution to your monthly operating expenses. It is important to consider the water efficiency, chemical dosage, heating capabilities and programmability of the washer. All these factors will affect the wash results as well as the costs.
  • Dryers. The most important things to consider with regards to dryers is energy efficiency, time, airflow and ducting. There are many features to consider in a dryer that will make it more energy efficient than another dryer. Cycle time is also important as this will determine how many loads you can get through in a day.
  • Roller Ironers. The size and type of your ironer is important. Different length ironers can accommodate different linen sizes. Chest and Cylinder heated ironers have different production capabilities and maintenance that is required. 
  • Finishing Equipment. Ironing is always the most labour intensive part of a laundry. Industrial finishing tables are the key to processing a lot of items in a short amount of time. A built in boiler that provides constant and consistent steam will allow you to generate high production for your operating time.
  • Trolleys. Laundry trolleys are essential to separate clean and soiled laundry. Blue trolleys are generally used for clean items and red trolleys are used for dirty items. This colour coding helps prevent cross contamination and unnecessary soiling. Trolleys also assist with loading, offloading, sorting as well as keeping items off the floor. Items can easily be stained or damaged by dumping them on the floor.
  • Tables. High-quality stainless steel tables are always important for any laundry. They are an easy to clean and hygienic solution for folding items.
  • Storage Racks. You will need racking to store your clean items, so remember to allocate space for this in your layout.
  • Detergents. You will require quality detergents that are dosed in the correct quantity. Overdosing will result in chemical residue on your laundry items and on the equipment. Under dosing will cause poor wash results and possibly insufficient stain removal. MEGA offers a unique optional extra for our industrial equipment. SDI (Smart Dosing Interface) adjusts the detergent dosage according to the weight of the load. The SDI interface also provides management reports and thermal verification.
  • Facilities. Machines can be very technically advanced these days, but they ultimately will always rely on good, consistent facilities. Good quality water, consistent water pressure, hot water supply, sufficient power supply, and good airflow. Power supply and availability is the most common limitation for laundries. 3 Phase power is essential if you want to have industrial equipment. The number of Amps is also very important. You need sufficient amperage for your current equipment and for future equipment if you want to see growth.  
  • Flow. The flow of your laundry is very important, for operational purposes but also for hygienic reasons. Your laundry should have a dirty area (sorting, pre spotting and washing) and a clean area (drying, ironing and storage)

As a trusted specialist in laundry equipment and supplies, MEGA has all the equipment you need to run your business.

Contact our team today to learn more about our laundry business equipment and facilities.