Published : Friday, September 22, 2017
01 x W575H - Electrolux 30'000 Cycle Washer, 450G, 8 kg
01 x SDI - Smart Dosing Interface
Customer decided to upgrade their old hard mount 80G washer using 20 liters water per kg, to a soft mount 450G washer using 8 liters water per kg, saving energy, water and detergent costs.
The smart dosing interface installed, allows the Electrolux washer to weigh the load and adjust detergent dosages accordingly, saving up to 40% detergent costs and improving results. If we consider R0,50 per kg capacity for the detergent cost over the 30'000 cycle machine life, we have a R120'000 total cost, so even a 20% saving is R24'000!!